

“With the heart beating this week
With the baby giving it tongue in cheek
The mother and the little growing baby
Enter the fifth week of pregnancy.”
remember how I was five weeks pregnant and was travelling up and down in a public transport bus. My mother in law was admitted in the hospital with a fractured leg. I remember how I used to loath the smell of the food that I used to make for her. The sheer smell of food used to rush me to the basin. I had the urge to vomit anything and everything that I ate. I remember how my sister in law who was just into her fifth week of pregnancy used to vomit blood out and had a real fit taking care of her nausea and morning sickness.
There are a lot of women who feel nothing in the first trimester, while there are those who have a lot of problems, the nausea and sickness compounding their problem. Whatever the case be, it should be understood that the Fifth week of pregnancy is well past the doubt that the woman could have about her missed period. By this time, the pregnancy tests should be taken and confirmed.
I experienced the following symptoms .These are very common symptoms in the fifth week of pregnancy. They are:
  • Morning sickness : This happens in the first four months of pregnancy. It happens mostly in the morning so it is known as morning sickness, but there are many who feel nausea all through.
  • Tenderness of breasts : The breast becomes tender and sore. This is because the breasts are preparing themselves for lactating. The increased secretion of hormones also is responsible for this feeling. I used to wear a jog bra to help feel better about the breasts. You can try that too.
  • Cramping : By now, the mother would have got used to the cramping that is a regular feature in pregnancy. The uterus also feels full and all this is because of the increased secretion of hormones.
  • Vaginal Bleeding : A little bit of vaginal bleeding is acceptable but if the bleeding is very severe, it is better to go to a doctor.

And what do you think daddy dearest would be going through now?

Daddy dearest is a trifle confused and perplexed and knows not how to adjust to all the fuss that is being created at home. He has to be patient and understand that nothing is possible without practice.
Amidst all this, is a situation of a pregnancy with twins? The pregnancy ultrasound can usually diagnose gestational sacs. Multiple gestations are therefore easy to find. However there are times when it is not seen. When there is more than one gestational, then it is said that twins are born.

What is Miss Blastocyst doing now?

Now our friend the little princess within – what is she doing sitting comfortably inside?
Length : The length of the baby would be 1.5-2.5mm.
Heart : Well she has had her heart beat faster.
External features : The baby’s have a distinctive head and a tail now. All the folic acid that you eat in the early stages of pregnancy would have an effect now that the neural folds begin to fuse. Her skeletal structure is also developing gradually. Her brain has started working faster. The U shaped structure which is forming into the heart will look like a flatter structure and the baby’s brain develops from this.
Thus the mother and the baby undergo a lot of changes and ensure that the pregnancy is taken forward to a better position. Lot of care has to be taken about the diet and nutrition during this week. I remember how I used to eat a lot of calcium and folic acid tablets. AT least 2500 kcal are needed every day now. 
It is advisable for Momma darling to relax her nerves a bit and learn to relax. Emotions have to be kept under control. The baby is not used to too many jolts and shocks. Besides, the mother shouldn’t have alcohol or drugs neither smoke cigarette.
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