
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mad Cow Disease

 The people, who eat cow meat, have a high risk of getting the infection. Another factor what causes mad cow disease? is it’s mainly due to the transfusion of blood from an infected human to another. It leads to the transfer of prions from one body to another, which might be some of the main mad cow disease causes to set in.
Causes of mad cow disease include reasons like tissue transfer from one person to another. It is seen that even in the case of heavy exposure to high temperature conditions, heat and pressure can lead to the disease. Some types of medical treatments like exposure to radiation and other category of medications are not that affective to a cure to cow disease.
The adverse causes of mad cow disease includes the gradual sponginess of the brain tissue due to the constant boring of the prion protein into the brain tissue causing holes in it. The other difficulties faced with this disease are that it cannot be destroyed even when the cow meat is cooked under high heat temperatures and consumed. Even in these cases, the prions are not destroyed from the tissue cells. Once the onset of the disease starts after the incubation period of the disease, which can be long, the symptoms start to occur gradually. The main symptoms experienced in the case of cows are sudden weakness in the body including an inability to walk or even stand. The other symptoms include the decrease in the weight of the animal as the disease progresses even after having a good appetite. Other major symptoms include a case of aggression in the animals that causes behavioural changes and a loss of control on the body. 
If a human being gets the affect of the causes of mad cow disease, it can even result in memory loss and amnesia in an acute condition. In some cases, the physical conditions can also get negative affects.


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