
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Causes of Fibroids

 know more about the facts about the causes of fibroids, we need to understand that the Fibroids are categorized into 5 types based on the what causes fibroids. They are, Genetic Predisposition, Poor Dietary Choices, Weakened Immune System, 
Accumulation of Toxins, Insulin Resistance and Obesity. Fibroids are very common among African-American women with many women in the age 50.The next kind of food are Fruits & Vegetables and especially the Non-organic vegetables and fruit imported from overseas, where regulations are not as strict, are a common source of xenoestrogens supermarkets import overseas produce sprayed with dangerous chemicals, or food manufacturers products are found to contain xenoestrogens due to the food preservatives and artificial colorings, flavorings and other additives put in the foods.
The next kind of a fibroids causes and the causes for Fibroids are Food Storage & Preparation where Plastics are a major source of xenoestrogens. It often happens when you  store your food and water in plastic.It is important to know your family history and share this information with your Gynecologist so that they can be aware and know if there is a history of cutaneous fibroids, malignant fibroids and kidney cancer.

Fibroids During Pregnancy

Fibroids during pregnancy requires doctor’s assistance before any type of medications or surgeries help cure this condition. Few of the most common treatments advised for fibroids and pregnancy are to make the necessary changes in Daily Diet. Pregnant mothers need to eat more fruits and vegetables to provide your body with the nutrients .It is advisable to avoid the processed foods. Learn to deal with Stress, regardless of what anyone tends to believe. The chances are Illnesses usually affect people who are stressed and not taking proper care of their bodies. Fibroids and pregnancy are known to affect women who are blood related. When the mother suffers with fibroids, due to genetic relation, the mother may pass this sickness to the daughter. 
The different types of leiomyomas are broadly classified based to their location:

Fibroids Natural Treatment

Fibroids Natural Treatment  oestrogen if not curbed will encourage the fibroid to grow. Experts suggest a surgical treatment if needed, because Fibroids natural treatment prevents a fibroid from re-occurring after it has been removed. Experts suggest that a high-quality uterine fibroids natural treatment involves phytoestrogens in the diet. 
Various kinds of seeds and cereals like red clover and Soya beans have a high amount of phytoestrogens. Physicians say that Phytoestrogens aid to lessen unnecessary endogenous oestrogen as it by surpass oestrogen binding. It is also recommended to eat composite carbohydrates and rich dietary fiber, which can be found in fruits and vegetables, complete cereals with skin on them like brown rice, oats and bread. The experts also advise to purchase organic foods whenever possible and to trim down the intake of saturated fat.
Remember, Fibroids are non-cancerous enlargement in the womb. This happens due to abnormal manufacturing of hormones, which results in the over production of estrogen. Fibroids natural treatment suggests lessening the intake of beverages like caffeine, alcohol, black tea along with meals, since it blocks the absorption of iron from your food. Also, avoid consuming refined sugar hidden in foods. Phosphates in carbonated soft drinks also prevent iron from being rapt by the body. Beverages like Herb teas and fresh fruit non-sugar juices are also included in theFibroids natural treatment. It is advisable to prevent consuming Red meat and dairy products because they contain arachidonic acid. This acid worsens soreness and swelling, boost blood flow, and diminish blood clotting.
If needed, one should add critical fatty acids in the diet like eating nuts, various kinds of natural seeds, saturated oil like linseed/flaxseed. Doctors also recommend consuming oily fish like mackerel and salmon as a part of uterinefibroids natural treatment because it facilitates the liver to convert surplus oestrogen into lessened dangerous forms. In many cases, Iron may be needed as the patient experiences heavy bleeding in menstrual cycle and resulting low level of iron. Zinc, Vitamin C and other nutrients like bioflavonoid is a high-quality food, which helps tissues to revamp, build up capillaries and curtail bleeding. Calcium and magnesium are also recommended by experts.

Diminishing ADHD Symptoms

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, has quickly become a rapidly increasing disorder among kids. 
Dutch researches have disclosed that diet can be one of the sole reasons of this disorder. Reactions to certain foods, according to them, can be ADHD symptoms. Hence, they are in a process of encouraging and motivating parents and guardians of ADHD affected children to modify their diet to a special one, to check if any of the symptoms are relieved. This kind of a special diet will be called the Restricted Elimination Diet and it helps greatly in gradually eliminating, or at least reducing, the ADHD symptoms.
A study brought out in The Lancet speaks of this specially altered diet to have shown improvements in 78 % of children who were switched to it for a least of five weeks. They displayed lesser or less severe symptoms of the disorder. 
What is exactly this Restricted Elimination Diet? Well, as the name suggests, it is a diet restricting some foods in order to eliminate the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. What foods are restricted? Processed foods are mainly the ones which are excluded from the diet; completely not allowed. Only whole foods, which include veggies, fruits, meat, rice, water, etc., were permitted. After continuing the diet for over 15 days, parents could tell if it was working. This could be found out by watching out for changes in the children’s behaviors and find out for any improvement regarding the symptoms that previously persisted.
There is a caution that needs to be taken care of while using such a diet for children. A doctor, or even a dietician, is very essential for supervision of the child. If there occur any ill effects from the diet, the doctor can immediately ask to stop the diet at once, to prevent further mishaps. Also, if children revert back to their previous diets, after spending some weeks or months on the Restricted Elimination Diet, can feel and see the lost ADHD symptoms reverting back to them too. 
In an interview, pediatrician David Berger notified that many of his patients have seen successful changes in their children after pursuing the elimination diet for advised duration of time.

How to Cure a Migraine

How to Cure a Migraine may sound too easy. However, it could have significant benefits. Of all the causes of migraines, dehydration is the most common. Hence, a glass of cool water may do the trick in relieving pain. 


Massages help in the relief of stress, strain, and tension. A firm massage performed on the head and neck can drastically reduce pain related to migraines. 


Aromatherapy is one of the most popular remedies for migraines. Oils from sandalwood, eucalyptus, lavender, and peppermint can go a long way in getting rid of migraine pain. 

Hot shower

Take a shower consisting of hot water. Let the water flow on your back and neck. This should cause the muscles to loosen. Blood circulation is also improved.

Ice pack

Individuals can utilize anything that is cold, such as ice packs, cold towels, or even a frozen peas’ bag. The cold device should be applied predominantly to the back of the neck. This procedure reduces inflammation. It also numbs the pain.

Utilize Pressure Points

Utilizing pressure points is often underrated. It may sound too far-fetched, but it isn’t. When done correctly, it can have tremendous benefits. Apply pressure to the region where the thumb and index finger meet. The fleshy area needs to be gently massaged.

Adequate Rest

In some cases, a migraine attack serves as the warning sign that the body is being overworked and stressed. Stretch your body in a dark room. Close your eyes and rest. Individuals need to find innovative ways to relax and de-stress.

Balanced Diet

Some foods can trigger a migraine. It is important that you notice the effect of certain foods. Maintaining a migraine diary is helpful. Individuals need to abstain from foods that cause migraines.

Calcium supplements

Calcium supplements can cause muscles to relax. They also regulate flow of blood. This alleviates pain. A supplement containing both calcium and magnesium is helpful.


Exercise helps the circulatory system of the body. It allows more oxygen and blood to reach the brain.

Migraine Treatment

Non-medication migraine treatment: Therapy that does not include medications can provide preventative and symptomatic therapy.
  • Use ice and biofeedback. Relaxation techniques could prove useful for stopping a migraine attack.
Motivation is needed for migraine cure. Individuals should be prepared to make lifestyle changes. Individuals should be aware of triggers that lead to migraine.
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Abstaining from foods rich in tyramine, such as cheeses. Foods containing sulphites, such as wines, and nitrates, such as nuts and cured meats, also need to be avoided.
Leading a lifestyle that is healthy helps in Treatment of Migraine. Proper nutrition and sufficient intake of fluids helps in migraine cure. Adequate sleep and mild exercise can be an integral part of migraine treatment. Acupuncture is useful in some cases.

Migraine Medications

Individuals suffering from mild attacks of migraine resort to over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers or analgesics. These medications are seldom prescribed. The migraine attacks should not interfere with routine activities. Several OTC pain relievers are available. They are considered effective and safe in short-term treatment of migraine. OTC analgesics may also be used to counter muscle aches, fever, and menstrual cramps.
Acetaminophen: This drug reduces the occurrence of fever and pain. It acts on the brain’s pain centers. The drug is tolerated in an efficient manner. It goes easy on the stomach in comparison with NSAIDs. Acetaminophen may cause damage to the liver, when consumed in large doses.

Migraine Symptoms

 One of the majorsymptoms of migraine is severe throbbing pain that occurs at the front portion or the side of the head. Migraine symptoms should not be ignored. Symptoms of migraine could last from four hours to 72 hours. 
Migraine symptoms vary from individual to individual. The time periods between various migraine attacks also vary.
Nearly a quarter of individuals suffering from migraine experiences warning symptoms within an hour following the onset of the headache. This period is called ‘aura’. It is a unique feeling and signals the onset of migraine. 
  • Visual problems: Individuals may witness flashing lights or lines that are zig zag. Sight may also be lost in one eye.
  • Pins and needles: A tingling sensation is felt in the neck, shoulders, and hands.
  • Increased or Reduced Senses: Individuals may demonstrate more irritability. Such individuals tend to withdraw from contact with other people.
  • Food cravings: Individuals with migraine may crave for sweets.
  • Lack of coordination: Individuals may lose balance or may have trouble speaking. A feeling of disorientation may result.

Causes of Moles

It is important to consider what causes moles. Skin moles are small outgrowths that appear on the body and face. They are usually brown or black. Moles are also called ‘nevi’. Moles tend to develop in the form of single growths. Moles could be dot-sized. Some moles may be as large as one inch in diameter. The surface of the moles could be smooth, flat or rough. Most moles appear in reddish in color. They may darken with the passage of time. 
With the passage of time, strands of hair can spring from the surface of the mole. Most moles manifest themselves before the individual reaches age 20. However, the period of growth for most moles is between age 10 and 40.There are many explanations as to what causes moles. Moles develop on the skin when the pigment cells of the skin form clusters instead of developing in a dispersed pattern across the surface of the skin.Hence, moles tend to manifest themselves during puberty and pregnancy. Some individuals inherit the tendency for mole production. 
Some dermatologists and skin experts are of the opinion that prolonged exposure to the UV rays of the sun can increase the chances of developing skin moles. However, more research is needed in this field.
It is important to ascertain the location of each skin moles in order to know if they change with the passage of time. Skin moles may not be very desirable. However, they tend to be benign and harmless. Moles that are hereditary atypical are irregular in shape, color, and size. 
If you have moles and if you begin witnessing alterations in them, consult a doctor. This could serve as a warning sign for more serious conditions. Dermatologists utilize the ‘ABCDE’ checklist to examine the condition of moles.

Removing Facial Moles:

Removing facial moles is an important procedure. Laser surgery is the most preferred technique in removing moles. Before opting for laser surgery it is important to get an insight into moles.
Moles are minor outgrowths that surface on the skin. They are generally brownish in color. They tend to occur alone. Some moles may occur in groups. Some moles may be black in color, whereas some may be the same color as that of the skin. Moles could be round or flat. Some may have a raised pattern.
It is common for some moles to surface during puberty and pregnancy. Existing moles could become larger and darker.
A majority of the moles exist for 50 years before fading away. Some moles disappear on their own, whereas others get lighter in color.
Researchers are of the opinion that genetic factors play a crucial role in the development of moles. However, the exact causes of mole development are uncertain. Its preventive measures, too, are largely unknown. Some believe that the sun plays a positive role in the formation of moles. Moles are seldom cancerous.
Removing facial moles is not an easy task. Removing moles is possible through laser treatment. In some cases,removing facial moles takes place by causing the skin to become numb. Scissors or scalpel is then used to remove the growth. After this procedure, the region is allowed to heal. This gives rise to a scar that is flat. In some other cases, the mole needs to be removed completely.
Laser removal of moles is by far the most simple for eliminating moles on the skin. In most cases of laser removal anesthesia may not be necessary. Some individuals undergoing laser treatment have reported a tingling sensation. Alternatively, some individuals feel as if a rubber band snaps the region.
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