
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Anxiety Disorder Types

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Anxiety disorder is a kind of social phobia. This has a lot of fear and a need to be away from people. Generally, the victim is scared of pubic embarrassment, insult or any kind of social interaction. The person is scared of things like speaking in public and is scared of social interactions. 
Anxiety panic disorder is that category of general emotional disorder wherein the person has a fear of being separated. This separation could be from a person or from a place.This condition is a normal part of child development.About 7% of adults and four percent of children are affected by separation anxiety. 
Sometimes this disorder has the person performing certain tasks repetitively. These anxiety disorder types could be really distressing for the individual and the habits actually intrude in their regular thoughts and living. The OCD or the obsessive compulsive disorder too is similar to this. The person imagines habits that don't exist at all. Many a time, the entire procedure is not logical. Often it is seen that the problem is only aggravated by a nervous feeling within. Some of the people suffer from this problem but most of them having this general anxiety disorder have habits which are not really harmful.
Sometimes there is a situation that arises from a traumatic experience. This results from situations like a combat, a natural disaster, rape, some kind of situations as in a hostage situation, child abuse. It is also caused when there is a serious accident. It is also seen in soldiers, who have long battles to win and are not able to manage the stress related to it. The common symptoms of this general anxiety disorder are hypervigilance, flashbacks, and behaviors which lead the person to avoid things, anxiety, anger, depression.
In anxiety disorder, the individual suffers from brief episodes of acute terror and fear. This is symbolized by a lot of trembling, shaking and the individual is in a confused state of mind. He feels dizzy and also has a lot of nausea. The person finds it difficult to breathe also. These panic attacks last for around ten minutes and sometimes last for many hours.


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