
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Types of Allergies

Types of Allergies,Types of Allergies for women Allergy is the exaggerated response of the body when the body's immune system is affected when it comes in contact with foreign substances. Allergy, is generic and it can be split into various categories depending on the allergy type. There are various types of allergies, and they are difficult to categorize and labeled with any particulars. But few of the most common ones are hay fever, allergic rhinitis, airborne allergies, latex allergies, food allergies, drug allergies, etc.
Hay fever is the most common nasal allergy and its symptoms include runny nose, sneezing, etc. They can be caused due to pollen, airborne, dust, food and other factors. They are also called as allergic rhinitis, which can be occurred due to consumption of micro particles/allergens that may be present in pollens, dust mites or enter into the body as virus and bacteria, which causes damage.
Latex allergies is an allergy type which is caused when some one comes in contact with rubber products like gloves or balloons. In relation to intake, there are two types of allergies like food and drug allergies. Food allergy is caused due to intake of a particular food additive or substances that may not react to the body well. They are quite normal and harmless unless the immune system and few medications are strong enough to fight them back. Under this, MSG –Monosodium glutamate, a flavor enhancer doesn’t go well when consumed too much and it causes headache, abdominal symptoms and eczema.


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